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Curie Science Committee

The Curie Science Committee creates content for monthly science bulletin boards, organizes & provides Shoebox Science Kits for our students & is in the process of developing a STEM resource closet for educators on campus. In addition, they put on the following events throughout the year:
Events Hosted by the Science Committee:
Family Science Nights
Dates: TBD (3rd - 5th grades)
TBD (UTK - 2nd grade)
Family Science Night is back! This is a fun-filled evening held in the Curie auditorium. Volunteers are invited to host a hands-on science demonstration for student & parent attendees.
Astronomy Night
Date: TBD
Join the Science Committee at Curie for a night of stargazing! Students will get the opportunity to look through a variety of telescopes fixed on different points in the sky.
Curie Garden Club
Curie has several garden spaces. The main garden is located behind the school library and has 12 raised beds, a Three Sisters Garden, greenhouse, and several fruit trees. The Butterfly Garden is a smaller space located next to the cafeteria and has several raised beds and flower beds. Finally, the garden in front of the library features CA native plants & drought tolerant plants. Check the club’s Shutterfly site for opportunities to get involved - you can speak with your child’s teacher about a classroom garden box or even just stop by on Friday afternoons to meet up at the main garden and get some work done!

Curie Crew

The Curie Crew works together to execute specific campus projects as needed. Last year the Curie Crew designed and built a little library for Curie Colts to be able to exchange books with each other right on campus. In the past they’ve completed painting projects, built equipment racks for the P.E. consultants, and much much more to improve our campus. This year they’ll be installing new playground equipment purchased by the PTA. If you’re handy or just have ideas about how to improve campus, send us an email to get involved.
Bulletin Board Committee
Contact: Susan at
Curie has several bulletin board displays around campus and the goal of this committee is to showcase activities happening around school, seasonal events, and projects from various Curie campus groups. Displays will ideally be updated frequently in coordination with Curie clubs & other PTA committees. Typically planning can be done virtually, and installing boards takes 30-60 minutes onsite. Materials and support will be provided. This is a great job for our creative parents to take on - and doing it with a friend or two makes it more fun! Please reach out to Susan if you’re interested in finding out more.