PTA Executive Board elections are coming up on April 19 at the general meeting. We will be voting on the slate of nominees posted below. While all positions are technically open, we are focused on rounding out the board by recruiting members to fill the vacant board positions also listed below. If you have any interest in joining the board or learning more about the board & the open positions, please click the link below or email Nicole at: parliamentarian@curiepta.org.
Slate of Nominees:
President: Candi Russell
Treasurer: Susan Cellitti
Recording Secretary: Kerri Bertrand
Historian: Kate Auda
2nd VP of Programs & Education: Jessica Hardy
4th VP of Membership & Communication: Lori Lents
5th VP of Room Representatives: Mia Sneag
Vacant Board Positions:
VP Ways & Means
VP Event Coordinator
VP Spirit
Corresponding Secretary*
*Positions appointed by President
