In This Issue
Art & Music Showcase
EdUCate's 2023 Taste of the Triangle
Thank You from the Curie Science Committee!
In Case You Missed It
Volunteer Corner
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week: May 1 - 5
Volunteer Tea: Tuesday, May 9
Art & Music Showcase: Wednesday, May 10
UC Cluster Meeting: Monday, May 15 at 4:30 PM
LAST General PTA Meeting of the School Year: Wed., May 17 at 7 PM
Memorial Day, No School: May 26 & 29
Art & Music Showcase
Art Contest Submissions Due Friday:
Concert Attire:
Please send your student in neat, casual pants & shoes with a solid colored t-shirt (color by grade listed below). Students may wear a shirt inside out to make it 'plain' (little to no writing or images preferred). Colors by grade:
TK & Kinder: Class shirts
1st Grade: Yellow
2nd Grade: Green
3rd Grade: Red
4th & 5th Grade: White shirt & black pants* *Please note this is a change from the original flyer sent home.
EdUCate's 2023 Taste of the Triangle
EdUCate’s 2023 Taste of the Triangle will be held on Friday, May 12th from 7-10 PM at Farmer & The Seahorse, an indoor & outdoor event. Come enjoy tastes from local restaurants, music, beer, wine, cocktails, exclusive auction items & more. General admission tickets are $85 per person before 4/30 & $100 per person afterwards. If you would like to donate a ticket for staff/teachers, the ticket price is $75.
EdUCate! is a non-profit foundation that raises funds to distribute to all five University City public schools based on principals’ & teachers’ needs. Support our local schools & buy your tickets today!
Kendra Cole
Supporting Schools - Building Community
On Behalf of the Curie Science Committee...
Thank you to everyone who attended Science Night on Wednesday & to all of our incredible Curie volunteers for making another super fun event happen! If you’d like to be a part of the Curie Science Committee, please let us know. Contact us/send your feedback:
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 PTA Executive Board! If you have any interest in learning more about the open board positions, please click the link below or email Nicole at:
President: Candi Russell
Treasurer: Susan Cellitti
1st VP of Spirit: Amanda Tugwell
2nd VP Educational: Jessica Hardy
3rd VP of Ways & Means: Danielle Thomas
4th VP of Membership: Lori Lents
5th VP of Room Reps: Mia Sneag
Auditor: Dianna Crilley
Recording Secretary: Kerri Bertrand
Historian: Kate Auda
Vacant Board Positions:
VP Event Coordinator
Corresponding Secretary
As always, past newsletters can be found on our website!
Current Opportunities:
Our librarian, Stephanie Perea is looking for 3-4 volunteers to help her organize the library. She is specifically looking for damaged books & to make sure all books are checked back in. This may take 1-2 days, depending on volunteer interest & commitment. Ms. Perea is on campus every Wednesday until 4 PM. If you are interested, she can review tasks with you on a Wednesday & then you are free to come back & organize another day according to your schedule. Please contact Ms. Perea with questions & interest at
Curie is looking for volunteers for lunch duty; email Penny in the front office at
Thank you to the Curie Crew (Candi, Cody, Dan, Jeff, John, & Brian) for installing new wall ball courts at Curie on Friday! We can't wait to see these painted with the winning designs from the art contest next month. Another huge thank you goes out to Gary Cole with San Diego Renovations for building the walls in advance of installation - we can't do this without the help of our awesome community of volunteers! Check out the photos below to see the progress, & if you're interested in getting in on the fun, send an email to