In This Issue
Scholastic Book Fair: April 10 - April 14
Upcoming PTA Executive Board Elections
Sign Up to Volunteer at the Art & Music Showcase
In Case You Missed It
Volunteer Corner
Spring Break: March 27-31
Walk to School Wednesday: April 5
Spring Picture Day: April 7
Spring Book Fair: April 10 - 14
General PTA Meeting (Election Night!): Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM
Earth Day Produce & Book Swap, Ink Cartridge Recycling: Friday, April 21 at 2 PM (Curie back lot)
Family Science Night (UTK - 2nd Grade): Wednesday, April 26 at 6 PM
Scholastic Book Fair: April 10 - April 14
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Curie! Online shopping is available April 7 -April 20, & classes will be visiting the book fair at school the week of April 10. Every purchase earns rewards for Curie & you can make it super easy for your students to shop at school by setting up your eWallet. Set up only takes a few minutes & saves you the hassle of sending your child to school with cash.
We can't wait to see what books everyone picks out! If you’d like to volunteer at the fair, please sign up here! Please reach out to Asoka (bookfair@curiepta.org) with any questions.
We Need Your Help to Fill the 2023-2024 PTA Board!
PTA Executive Board elections are coming up on April 19 at the general meeting. While all positions are open, we are focusing on the vacancies listed below in particular. To qualify, a candidate must be a PTA member in good standing (dues paid) 30 days prior to elections. If you have any interest in joining the board or learning more about the board & the positions, please click the link below or email Nicole at: parliamentarian@curiepta.org.
Vacant Board Positions:
VP Ways & Means
VP Room Reps
VP Event Coordinator
VP Spirit
Corresponding Secretary*
*Positions appointed by President
Sign Up to Volunteer at the Art & Music Showcase

May will be here before we know it which means the Art & Music Showcase is right around the corner! The Art & Music Showcase (taking place on Wednesday, May 10 at 4:30 PM) is an annual event celebrating the talents of our children led by our Art Consultant, Lee Bertrand, PTA Music Consultant, Deb O’Neill, & Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) instructors, Katherine Pupping, Avinash Mehta, & Nico Pachano Gonzalez. There will be food trucks on site with both dinner & dessert options. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for both day-of & pre-planning tasks (including tasks you can help with by completing at home), & it's fun to do with a friend or group of friends! There is even a sign-up to bring outdoor games if you have any to lend! Check out the link below to sign-up.

In an effort to reach as many members as possible, General Association PTA Meetings will now be held both in-person & online! If you'd like to join us in person, the meeting will be held on campus at Curie in Room B14 (closest parking is the back lot at Curie).
Past newsletters can now be found on our website!

Current Opportunities:
Curie Crew is recruiting volunteers to help refurbish the wall ball courts on campus. Please send an email to curiecrew@curiepta.org if you'd like to help out.
Curie is looking for volunteers for lunch duty; email Penny in the front office at pcavanagh@sandi.net.
Participate on the Nominating Committee for next years PTA Executive Board - email Nicole at parliamentarian@curiepta.org
